L.T. Jordan Fellows

L.T. Jordan Fellows have researched countless topics in numerous places around the globe.

The L.T. Jordan Fellows Program provides highly qualified Texas A&M University undergraduate and graduate students with an opportunity for personal enrichment and education through an international research experience. This is achieved by the program participants designing an independent international research project in another country that will enhance their academic or career goals. The program annually selects up to ten qualified students to receive a grant of up to $2,000 with which to assist trip expenses. As a part of the program, the Fellows must prepare their own travel itineraries, description of research activities, budget estimates, and an extensive report and public presentation describing the experience abroad.

This fellowship is designed for individual study or research and is not designed to fund a Study/Internship Abroad program.

L.T. Jordan Fellows Undergraduate Research Program

Each year, one undergraduate L.T. Jordan Fellow will be selected to work in partnership with the Texas A&M Honors Undergraduate Research Program in a two-year research program called L.T. Jordan Undergraduate Research Fellows. The first year of the program consists of the completion of the L.T. Jordan Fellows program, including the international research and post-trip reflection, and the second year working with a faculty mentor to write an undergraduate thesis through the Undergraduate Research Program.

Program Structure and Requirements


Upon completion of a rigorous two-stage application and interview process, a maximum of ten students are selected each fall as L.T. Jordan Fellows. The Fellows are then recognized at a banquet in the spring with their guests, academic advisors, and Texas A&M University officials. In preparation for this independent international travel, Fellows will participate in educational programs related to international topics, which may include monthly seminars, films, exhibits, and lectures.


Upon returning, each Fellow is required to:

  • Write a 7-20 page report describing the experience.
  • Deliver a 20-30 minute narrated slide presentation (PowerPoint with photographs is suitable) of the cultural experience and research during travel.

These tasks assist the L.T. Jordan Institute in its continuing goal of developing international awareness among the students of Texas A&M.

Application Process

The Fellows application process is conducted in three steps:

  • Pre-Proposal consisting of:
    • Completed Coversheet
    • Resume (Limited to two pages)
    • Essay discussing:
      • Destination
      • Purpose
      • Benefits to the applicant
    • A letter from an advisor stating the relevance of the proposed research to the applicant’s academic or career goals.
  • Proposal Consisting Of:
    • Detailed travel itinerary
    • Estimated budget
    • Official Transcript(s)
    • Three completed recommendation forms (Separate form)
  • Interview


  • Applicants must be currently enrolled at Texas A&M University (College Station) as undergraduate or graduate students who will have at least one semester of additional enrollment after the Fellows experience
  • Undergraduate students and professional school students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, while graduate students must have a minimum GPA of 3.25
  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents and have a valid passport
  • Non-paying internships are acceptable as long as the application is accompanied by a letter of intent and responsibilities from the host.

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