The Internship and Living Abroad Program in England, or ILAP England, is MSC L.T. Jordan’s oldest internship program. It is a six-week concurrent program with the first summer session at Texas A&M. Based in London, participants live with host families and are matched with internships related to their majors or career interests.

Morocco is MSC L.T. Jordan’s newest internship program. It is a six-week program concurrent with the first summer session at Texas A&M. Based in Rabat, the capital of Morocco, participants live with host families and are matched with internships related to their majors or career interests.
Located in the province of Andalucia, the city of Sevilla is a land of many cultures. Over the centuries, the southwest of Spain was a trading center for many civilizations including the Tartessians, Romans, and the Moors. Sevilla is an ideal location for students who wish to learn the Spanish language and experience the rich culture of Andalucia.